
This policy is designed to identify, prevent and minimize instances of unlawful, unethical, corrupt behavior of employees.

This policy is aimed at forming a uniform understanding of the essence of corrupt practices, their forms and manifestations among all employees and managers of the organization to prevent and suppress situations and actions that, including potentially, may violate the requirements of the Russian anti-corruption legislation and other applicable norms of international law.
Anti-corruption policy
ALTEX-STROY LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) declares its rejection of Corruption in any of its forms and manifestations, which means a complete prohibition for managers, employees, as well as other persons acting on behalf of the Company and/or in their interests, directly or indirectly, personally or through any intermediary to participate in corrupt practices.

Corruption means abuse of office, bribery, bribe-giving, bribe-taking, abuse of authority, commercial bribery or other illegal use by a natural person of his/her official position contrary to the legitimate interests of the Company and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a proprietary nature, other property rights for himself/herself or for third parties or illegal provision of such benefits to the said person by other natural persons. Corruption is also the commission of these acts on behalf of or in the interests of a legal entity
Main tasks and goals
  • Establishment of principles and rules for combating corruption in the Company;
  • Creation of effective mechanisms, procedures, control or other measures aimed at combating corruption and minimizing the risks of involvement of the society and its employees in corruption activities;
  • Formation of a culture of ethical behavior and intolerance to all manifestations of corruption, including a common standard of anti-corruption behavior among the Company's employees;
  • Integrating anti-corruption principles into strategic and operational management at all levels of the Company's operations;
  • Formation of a common understanding of the principles of the anti-corruption policy among the Company's employees, clients, counterparties and other persons;
  • Informing the Company's management bodies about corruption offenses and measures taken to counteract corruption;
  • Application of liability measures for a corruption offense.
Basic Principles
  • Anti-corruption;
  • The principle of personal example of leadership;
  • Compliance Monitoring;
  • Informing and training employees and business partners;
  • Liability and irreversibility of punishment;
  • Waiver of retaliatory sanctions;
  • Continuous improvement of anti-corruption procedures;
  • Effectiveness of anti-corruption procedures;
  • Corruption Prevention;
  • Conflict of Interest;
  • Corruption risk assessment;
  • Increasing the level of anti-corruption culture.